About Me

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Grew up outside of Boston. Attended college in Manchester, New Hampshire area where I met the man of my dreams, husband, Alain. We have been in Hooksett for almost 37 years where we have raised three offspring. Looking forward to retiring in beautiful Pittsburg, New Hampshire(aka) Up North.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Week 6 Social Bookmarking and Google Reader

Thoughts on Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is feature I can see real benefit from especially when I move from laptop to desktop and once back to school on my netbook.  The beauty is that I can always have all my bookmarks on the machine I am working at the moment.  This is huge!  I have had real difficulty which I attribute to the bouncing between machines using different versions of Google.  I choose Diigo as I had tried del.ico.us a year ago and just had let things lapse.  Diigo has been converting a large number of accounts and somehow all of my bookmarks were lost.  I did e-mail Diigo because my password no longer worked.  The folks at Diigo were great and reset the password and I logged in with my Google e-mail account to find no bookmarks and a really weird user id something like pwjcfk so I have emailed Diigo asking that they delete the account so I can start over (there really isn’t anything in it.)  My thoughts on social bookmarking are it is very valuable and I want to become dependent upon it but, I am old and wise enough not to beat my head against the wall.  Reflection can be a powerful tool and I think modeling the skill is good for students. 

Well classmates, my almost empty Diigo account is very easy to log into now but still has little content but, my patience did pay off and with all issues resolved it only took a few minutes to move my Chrome bookmarks to Diigo.  I will need to add tags to my links but that too will happen.

Thoughts on Google Reader

I have been using Google Reader for over a year and LOVE IT!  I have set it up on my home page but, I don’t always have time to read all my subscriptions.  My reading vision is on the downward slide so I think having the full window for the reader is best for me and using digital texts is best because I can make the text larger or with greater contrasts.  My subscriptions are mostly educational, cooking, finance, psychology, travel, and now technology and web 2.0 tools.  I have not been religious about attending to reading my subscriptions but, when time is available I do enjoy going through them all.  

Having an over an hour drive to class and back each week has been a great opportunity to enjoy some iTunes podcasts on my iPod while driving. There is even an iTunes University Podcast from the University of South Florida on Social Media.  I also really enjoy listening to Freakonomics Radio Podcast for a different view on everyday topics.  This is the link to Freakonomics the movie so named after the book.  


  1. I am so glad you love the RSS feeds. I do feel the same as you as I do not have a lot of time to read the updates, but when I do have some time, I know they are there for me! I must admit, I have not gotten into listening to podcasts much. I tried over the past summer when I walked, but I like listening to the radio I guess!

  2. It's funny that you mention your one "complaint" about Google Reader; that you don't have time to read all your subscriptions. I must say that this is why I have resisted Google Reader for so long, as I have so many other subscriptions (podcasts, audible.com, etc) that I already don't have time for. I actually hate the idea of missing something that I really should have read in the first place. It does seem a bit overwhelming if not completely time consuming and, often enough, I feel as if I do not have enough control over the content. I really like how you can work your social bookmarking in a way that makes what comes in truly specific and "me" centered. Kind of like on Netflix and how after you rate hundreds of movies, they actually start making suggestions I will enjoy!
